Quick Connect

Quick Connect
Bolt Tensioner
Quick Connect
Bolt Tensioner
Quick Connect
Bolt Tensioner
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Conventional bolt tensioning methods can be time-consuming, labor-intensive, and prone to errors. That’s why Pilgrim has developed the HYDROCAM Quick Connect Bolt Tensioner, and it is a game-changing innovation in the field of bolt tensioning.

It simplifies and speeds up the bolt tensioning process, while ensuring the highest quality and safety standards. It can help you save time and money, while improving the performance and longevity of your bolted connections.

An excellent option when automation is required due to the nature of engaging the stud thread by clamping over screwing down.

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Suitable for Homogeneous tightening.

Time Saving

Reduces handling time by up to 50% of conventional bolt tensioner, lowering maintenance costs.

Remote Control

Suitable for remote and automated operation, due to the patented clamping mechanism of the threat engagement.


Enhances safety and ergonomics of bolt tensioning operation. Tailored to the specific application.

How it Works

The Quick Connect tensioner operates on the same fundamental principle as a conventional bolt tensioner. However, the distinction lies in the method of engaging the stud threads. The Quick Connect utilizes a three-jaw system to engage the threads. When the jaws are assembled and pushed down, they converge and align precisely with the thread, enabling the tensioning of the stud. Upon deactivation, the jaws separate, disengaging from the thread, which allows for the swift removal of the tensioner.


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