NPCI Benefit from using Pilgrim product

Dominic Dadamo
Marketing Admin


Kakrapar is a Nuclear Power Plant in India on the banks of the River Tapi with two 220MW Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactor (PHWR): KAPS 1 & 2 and two 700MW Indian Pressurized Heavy-Water Reactors (IPHWR) KAPS 3 & 4, which is operated by the NUCLEAR POWER CORPERATION OF INDIA LIMITED (NPCI).

KAPS 1 & 2 had conventional turbine coupling bolts, which would typically take seven days to split the couplings, due to seized bolts and NPCI where looking to reduce their outage periods. After several sales visit from PILGRIM going back to before 2016 showing the clear benefits to retrofit the conventional bolts to PILGRIMs Radial Fit Bolts NPCI decided to invest.


Two coupling sets consisting of a combination of Radial Fit and Clamp bolts for the HP-IP and IP-Gen Couplings with associated dual Bolt Tensioning Kits.

Two sets of Datum Plugs.

One Coupling Hole Alignment Tool (CHAT)

One Air Driven Hydraulic pump from the MorPress Range.

PILGRIM Service Engineering  to supervise installation, which was successfully installed in March 2019.


  • Easy to install and remove coupling bolts
  • Reduced unplanned costs
  • Reduced outage period by 5 days
  • Safe and re-usable solution.