Toshiba America Energy Systems Corporation (TAES) provides energy industry solutions – new equipment, retrofits, maintenance, outage planning and more – for current and future power generation needs in the Americas, including thermal, hydro and nuclear power plants.
As part of the recently signed supplier agreement TAES made a request to PILGRIM INTERNATIONAL LTD early in 2019 to quote for the LP2-GEN bolting for Prairie state coal fired power station
The bolt design was none standard due to the extreme length (+900 mm) and there was several months of interaction and design review to ensure TAES were satisfied with the safety factor designed into the coupling bolts.
PILGRIM’S longest ever Hydraulically Installed Radial Fit Bolts at over 900 mm length
- 16 off HP-IP Coupling bolts
- 16 off IP- LPA Coupling bolts
- 2 off Bolt tensioning kits
- 1 off Morpress air Driven Hydraulic pump + accessories
- Bolts capable of handling the extreme bending forces.
- Removal of potential for galling
- Easy to install and remove Coupling bolts
Safe to install and remove